Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why I Like Ellen (and will start shopping at JCPenney more)

I've liked Ellen DeGeneres for a long time.

I liked her old stand-up comedy routines. I liked her sitcoms. I like her talkshow (although I don't see it very often since it's in the middle of the day). I think her CoverGirl ads are fun. And I kind of love that she's married to Portia de Rossi.

I fully admit that I hadn't really given any thought to the fact that JCPenney had hired her as their new spokesperson. And then the Million Moms people decided to mount an attack on JCP and Ellen, saying that she was a horrible rolemodel, and - basically - an abomination unto the Lord.

Now, let's look at this.

Ellen's comedy has been touted for being some of the nicest around - no swearing, no mean-ness, just funny.

Ellen's charities are all about helping others, helping animals, and, basically, helping anyone or anything in need - without judgment.

Ellen's family life includes a mother who has stood by her daughter through more adversity than most, and a wife with whom - if you watch the interviews - she shares an absolutely immense love.

If you want to see - and hear - exactly what Ellen had to say about the current kerfuffle (and you really should), check out the clip from her show, here.

I watched it, and I can see why a group of bigoted, horrible people supposedly worrying about morals and family wouldn't want to have her as the spokesperson for a company.

After all, who'd want such a giving, loving, caring, funny, gracious, truthful, supportive, and generous person to be a rolemodel?

Oh. Right. I would.


Lorry said...

I did pull up her comments which you mentioned. And I think it is nice that she can buy her new crew socks from JCP. Has anyone ever seen the "million mothers" and do they actually exist?

Robin said...

Yay Ellen!