Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tomatic Proof

I actually remembered to take photos after picking my most recent two tomatoes! (If you're counting, that means I've now had FOUR tomatoes this year.) Although I thought that these were going to be green tomatoes, after a stretch of warmer days, I found out that this first batch were all Cherokee Purple tomatoes.

The first one I picked got eaten - without benefit of camera - as part of two fried-egg-and-tomato English muffins. The second was chopped up and made into a chunky avocado/tomato salsa. 

The third, however, became the photographic centerpiece of two open-face "tomato-and-egg-on-toast" sandwiches:

Tomato #3 and tomato #4 (which became part of a Salade Nicoise)

The Cherokee Purple tomato is an heirloom variety that is purple on the outside with red flesh, flecks of green, and yellow seeds. It's a little weird looking when you cut into it, but very tasty.

Gotta have fried eggs in this sandwich. I may have added butter...

Toasting - in the toaster oven, obviously. Yes, basic white bread works best for this.
There seems to be the outside chance that I over-fried my eggs. So let's go past this picture to the next one.

Buttered toast, mayo, tomato, fried eggs, salt, and pepper...  If that's not a summer dinner, I don't know what is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks quote lovely.