Thursday, July 10, 2014

ISO: One Personal Transporter

Christopher and I laugh about the fact that we frequently have one week or weekend that is completely empty of social events, and then we follow that up with a week or weekend that is massively booked.

I say that we laugh about it, but sometimes we just shake our heads and get kind of frustrated.

Last weekend, with the Fourth of July, was an odd mix of busy and not. I mean... All of the travel and family stuff made it busy, but there weren't a lot of separate social events.

This week has been fairly quiet. We had a few things tentatively on the calendar, but they faded away, and we've gotten to enjoy a couple of quiet nights.

Of course, this means that the coming weekend is booked from one end to the other. For me, it starts with an early end to the workday (summer hours have us closing down at 1), and then heading to a follow-up appointment for my jaw thing. And then out to run a few errands.

I realized a couple of days ago that I had 7 individual events on the calendar for the weekend - 4 things on Saturday, and 3 on Sunday. I really wanted to say that I was going to do all of them, but I sat down with Google maps tonight and had to admit that there was really no way I could do all of them.

Unless, of course, someone has a personal point-to-point transporter that I could borrow for the weekend. I'd also accept offers of cloning or some kind of Harry Potter-related magical transportation, if you happen to access to either of those.

If not... well... we'll just have to see what happens.

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