Monday, October 3, 2011

Movie Monday - Contagion

Looking for a catchy movie? Something that you'll take with you and pass on to others? Maybe a movie with an almost-infectious appeal? Or, maybe... Umm... Yeah... I'm out of metaphors that tie into the movie title.

But here's the thing: Each time I talk to someone about "Contagion," the people who have seen it are interested in talking about it.

We're not all talking about it like a great horror movie. We're not talking about it like the newest zombie flick. We are talking about the fact that they kill of Gwyneth Paltrow in the first few minutes of the movie. (That's not a spoiler - it's in some of the previews.)

And we're also talking about the fact that part of it was set - and filmed - in Minneapolis. Which, I have to admit, when it's a movie about a world-wide pandemic is kind of... well... creepy. Had I known it was set here I might have been less inclined to go - in the same way that I wouldn't watch Baltimore get blown off the map when I was out there. (It was in a Ben Affleck movie, although I couldn't tell you what it was at the moment.)

So... The point of "Contagion" doesn't seem to be a "What if...?" movie. Instead, it's a very kind of straight-forward drama. There are families in it. And politics. And emotions, even. And a cast that kept surprising me. It's kind of a hybrid of fluff and flu.

Is it a great movie? No. Is it a good movie? Yes. Is it a movie that any germ phobic person should ever go to? GOD no - people prone to that state of mind would never leave their houses again.

Overall score: B+. There were a few things I felt could have been better explained, but it has definitely stuck with me.

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