Wednesday, June 5, 2013

CMLXLVIV - Some Show With the Tell

I know. I'm horrible about putting up pictures on my blog posts. And it's really bad when I'm talking about something visual and don't do it. I'm hoping to get better at that, but I offer you no guarantees.

However, in honor of using the CMLXLVIV as a way of "showing" the number of this post, instead of just telling, I figure I'll try to do some showing of other things.

For instance...

Here is the house a few years ago with all of its 1950s greenery (after a summer hail storm):

And here it is, about a week ago (this is before the second snuffleupagus of mulch, because it's mainly been raining ever since I put the new mulch down and I haven't wanted to go out with the camera):

(If you're paying attention, you've noticed that not only are the plantings different, but the house is now a different color as of about 2 years ago.)

Here are some things from various gardening attempts, which give me hope for the future:

From 2010
From 2011

From 2013
And, finally, a quick look at how I've changed over the past nearly 5 years...

From early 2008 - before I started blogging
And an unfortunately close-up shot from just last week.

If you've been paying attention over the past few years (or even just during the past few posts where I've been going on about the past 1,000 posts), you know that this is the basic write-up of my blog (found in the left-hand margin of my blog): 

Under-employed Writer, Under-travelled Traveller, Under-listened to Raconteur, and Slightly under-done Baker... Happily partnered, but unhappy in the realm of career fulfillment, Robert (that'd be me) decided to look for an outlet for his conversational needs. And, thus, this blog was born.

There was a time when that actually started with "Unemployed" but I updated it when I got work. (Coincidentally, I believe that the unemployment started just after that 2008 picture was taken. If I'm not mistaken - although I may be - my job went away the day after I came back from that trip...) 

I kind of wonder what that will all say - and what pictures my accompany it - five years from now? 

1 comment:

Robin said...

Yay Pictures!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts over the years. I've appreciated it as a way to keep in touch even though we don't see each other very often...
Love You!

Oh -and one of my "robot" words just happens to be Scotland! :-)