Friday, November 10, 2017

The Cake Post That Wasn't Actually There

I've been having one of those weeks (or two or three of them, actually), and just when I thought I was going to turn a corner I ran into another hiccup. Let me explain:

So, there you have it. The cake is still in the ingredients stage (or at least the "most of the ingredients" stage), and I am set to show you the clips that haven't been shown before - but which I seem to have kept on my phone for no good reason. (Yay! Now there's a reason!)

(You may be able to play them all in a row from this link, or just scroll through them one at a time, below. Don't worry - they're very short!)

Here we go:

Let's try that again...

So... maybe we won't use a book next time?

Maybe what I need is fewer props.

Oh, come on. Once they're baked I should be okay, right?

With any luck, I'll have the Christmas cake put together and baked by next week, and we'll continue to move forward.

In the meantime, please send me any questions or comments you might have - or suggestions for recipes - and I'll see what I can do to work them into the blog!

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