Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

As we are in the midst of the Season of Wishes (not, obviously, to be confused with the Parade of Dreams or the Swamp of Despair), I thought I would drop a few wishes out into the world and see what happens.

1) I wish for World Peace. I know a lot of people tend to think of that as either "too big" or "too cliche" to wish for, but I figure if enough of us wish for it, it just might be a start. And I know a lot of people who would like to have their families together for the Holidays which this would be a good start for.

2) I wish for an end to cancer and AIDS and Alzheimer's and... well... since I'm at it... all disease. Wouldn't it be great if doctors could focus on things like skinned knees and hangnails, instead?

3) I wish that Karma had a more actively-obvious role in our world. I know that it would come around and bite me in the butt more than I'd like to admit, but there are a lot of really good people in the world who deserve better than they get. (And, let's just say it, a lot of really bad people in the world who deserve a lot worse than they get.)

4) I wish that all of my friends who are searching for jobs (either while employed or unemployed) could find meaningful, satisfying jobs complete with meaningful, satisfying incomes. Yes. I consider myself one of these friends.

5) I wish that I could figure out what it is that I'm doing while clearing snow (remember, our snow blower is in the shop for at least 2 weeks) that is causing me to strain my abdominal muscles. (Anyone who says "Gee. Maybe if you worked out more you'd have stronger abs and this wouldn't be a problem" gets coal in his/her stocking.)

6) I wish that, for about a week, I could be in my 20s again - and have a good wardrobe and be one of the current crop of cute and sexy guys that you see all over the place in the media AND know all I know today - just to experience it. (I thank any of you who are either thinking of saying "But you're still young and cute" and/or "it's so not worth it" and/or other fluffy comments. But, really, I do think it would be fun.)

7) I wish that personal teleportation was a reality so that I could bounce around and see everyone around the Holidays.

8) I wish we could figure out why our dog is constantly scratching herself. (We're currently starting a food trial to see if maybe it's a food allergy. This is after allergy meds and skin meds and steroids. It would be so much easier if she could just tell us what's wrong.)

9) I wish I had a winning lottery ticket - not just for a two-dollar prize, but for the whole kit and kaboodle. I've got a list of places I'd like to donate money to before I even start spending it on myself. (Okay. Maybe after I spend some of it on myself, but the donations would come fast and furious while I'm on my major round-the-world-first-class vacation...)

10) I wish, for all of you, a really good 2011. After all, this will be the year that goes to 11. That has to be good, right?

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