Monday, October 5, 2009

Comfort Food

This morning, at work, I took the mail out and found the weather to be absolutely perfect for the fall. It was almost sunny, warming up nicely, and felt like it could be an amazing day.

Then, as the afternoon wore on, it got more and more grey. On the drive home it was drizzling and chilly and periodically rainy. Somehow we had gone from the part of fall I love to the part of fall I hate.

Luckily, when I got home, I found that we had some Kraft Macaroni and Cheese in the pantry. I know... I know... It's not exactly gourmet food. It's definitely nothing like the amazing Mac and Cheese that Christopher makes. But it is a direct connection to my childhood.

When I was a kid, my dad went to Rotary every Monday night. With dad out of the house, Mom would let us kids choose our own meals. And, always at the top of the list was "blue box" Mac and Cheese.

I strayed away from it for a few years, but these days there is always at least one box in the pantry. It's not something I want to eat all the time. It's simply one of those foods I occasionally crave.

Tonight was one of those occasions. And, wow, it was good.

Add to that a quiet evening at home with Christopher, and...

Who cares about the weather, anyway?

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