Saturday, June 25, 2011

Celebrating Pride

I blame the weather for the fact that, honestly, I had forgotten that it was Gay Pride weekend in the Twin Cities this weekend. It just hasn't seemed like June with the cooler temperatures and all of the rain.

I've seen the signs downtown about it. And I knew that the 35W bridge was going to be lit with rainbow colors last night (some day I'll learn how to embed video on here, but for now you'll just have to click through and check it out). And I've seen postings all over the place about parties going on. But, still, I kind of kept forgetting.

This morning, while I was out walking the dog, one of our neighbors was in her yard doing some work. She asked if Christopher and I had any big plans for the weekend - picnics, parades, parks, that kind of thing - and it took me a second to realize what she meant.

I know there are a lot of people who say that the best way to celebrate a culture (be it Irish, Greek, Hmong, or Gay), is to have a huge festival once each year to show your colors. It's a chance to be out in the open and proud of who your are "en masse" for the world to see. A chance to focus on the diversity and strengths of the group, in that "we're stronger together" way.

And I'm really happy for all of the people who make up those crowds to watch the parades and cheer for the concerts and re-connect in the parks.

Me, I'm not so much a crowd person. I get a little claustrophobic when surrounded by masses of people. I hate using porta-potties. And trying to find parking for a major event in an area with no parking lots is just not my idea of a good time.

So I'll be celebrating Pride the same way I celebrate it pretty much every weekend. I'll spend time with Christopher. We'll go shopping and eat something as a couple for all the world to see. We'll hang out with some friends. We'll celebrate living in a world where we can do all of those things while living together as a family.

Okay... so we can't get married in the state of Minnesota - yet - but New York State has made it legal this weekend. And we've got until November of 2012 to work on changing that attitude in Minnesota.

For this weekend, I plan to just be mostly happy... okay, and a little proud, too.

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