Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How Much is Too Much?

As I left work, yesterday, I got into my car and - as has been happening on the extremely cold days - my brakes decided to only halfway engage. But I've gotten kind of used to that this winter, so I just adjusted and headed out.

On street level, I waited my turn until the traffic inched far enough along for me to pull into the lane I needed, and then watched a few people slip and slide down the ice-covered street ricocheting in and out of potholes the size of washtubs.

I think it was at that point that I loudly swore some random combination of Anglo-Saxon words declaring - to no one in particular - that I'm ready for this winter to be over.

I suspect that a lot of people are feeling that way this year, whether they live in the Twin Cities or somewhere else in the northern sections of the country. It has just been such a brutal winter. So freakin' cold.

Last year, we had snow from October until May. I don't mean that it was on the ground until May. I mean that it actually snowed in May of last year.

And we all kind of joked about it as we complained and shrugged our shoulders and kept going.

This year, we started out mainly dealing with cold, then the snow came in. When I walk the pup on windy days only I need to worry about the windchill - the snow on either side of the sidewalks is so deep that she's completely sheltered. (I think we've got something like 2 or 3 feet of snow across our entire yard right now.)

I'm beginning to think that I might pack up my car and do like Neil Diamond suggests and "go where the weather suits my clothes." I suspect that I'll see a lot of Minnesotans there.

**Note: If you don't follow that musical reference, here's the song: 

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