Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today is Not Wednesday

I've spent much of today thinking that it was Wednesday. Since I work both Wednesday and Thursday, that didn't screw up my schedule too much, except that I had a dentist appointment on Thursday... errr... today. 

Don't worry. I had told Christopher about the appointment, and I made sure to set the alarm last night before bed, but I still got up this morning double-checking the calendar and making sure that this was the 11th and, thus, in fact, Thursday.

** Sidenote ** For those wondering... My dental appointment was fine. Or at least fine-ish. No cavities. Only a small amount of calculus. And, well, a "microscopic fracture" in my lower right rear molar which is going to require a crown. So... "fine-ish." ** End sidenote **

Luckily, there was one thing that kind of shook me out of my early morning hazy humdrum for the day, just after I'd gotten to my appointment in St. Paul.

Remember a few weeks ago when I wrote about the weirdness of toilet water almost always being blue? (It was in a post titled Ponderances on May 5th.) Well, when I stopped in the restroom before getting my teeth worked on, the water in the toilet was, rather startlingly, lavender. 

Honestly, I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I mean... The water was pale purple. In the toilet. In the dentist office restroom. It was a tad surreal for 8:02 in the morning.

When I flushed, though, the water filled in clear, and I noticed the handsoap on the counter was also lavender. I'm not sure how enough handsoap got into the toilet bowl to change the color of the water, but... well... (using a little Occam's Razor reasoning) that seems to have been what happened. 

Obviously, this would not have happened on a Wednesday.

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