Monday, February 1, 2010

Groundhog Day Eve

Yes. It's Groundhog Day Eve.

And, in honor of the day when we find out whether or not there are to be six more weeks of winter, Mother Nature has tossed a bunch more snow at us.

What's weird about this is that the snow isn't what bothered me so much tonight. What bothered me was the fact that driving to Costco tonight after work took about four times longer than it should have taken. Why? Because people didn't seem to be able to figure out how to move through intersections in downtown because of the snow.

Sure. The roads were a little slick. The snow was coming down. I understand all of that. But why did it take 15 minutes for us to drive 3 blocks through 2 intersections?

The only other time I've been in traffic this bad in Minneapolis was another snowy late afternoon when I was stuck on one block of Washington Avenue for almost a full hour 2 winters ago. I called a friend of mine and we had a full half-hour conversation while I crept past a restaurant. Had I been smart, I would have called that place and had them deliver dinner to my car...

Tonight we just headed to Costco and shopped -- in nearly-deserted aisles -- and headed out once the roads were a little more clear.

^sigh^ Only another 2 or 3 months until spring.

Here's to the groundhog. May he get a good night's sleep before his morning in the spotlight.

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