Thursday, May 13, 2010


I looked outside this morning while I was getting ready, and realized that absolutely everything in the back yard was looking waterlogged. Oh, sure, the grass is amazingly green, and the back planting beds are looking lush, but the leaves of the sand cherry just outside the bathroom window were curled up and drooping.

I walked around the yard on my way out the door.

It wasn't just the sand cherry near the house that was drooping. Everything in the yard (except for the grass, of course), was kind of sagging. The sand cherry at the back of the yard looked like it had had a really bad week at work. The clematises, which had been shooting skyward at about 4 inches per day for the past month, seemed to have lost their will to climb. The day lilies were drooping as if it were mid-August. The willow tree - which had been doing so well this year - seemed to have lost its whimsicality.

And the lilac. The poor little lilac all alone in the back corner of the yard. Well, it looked like someone had tied sand bags to all of its branches. The few bunches of flowers it has were pointing downward under the weight of the water.

Obviously, it's not just me feeling put upon by the past week of cloudy, cool, rainy days.

I know that the rainy days are important. After all, without these days, there'd be no way that any of these plants would survive the hot, dry, days of summer.

But I gotta say that if we don't get some sun in the immediate future that lilac in the back yard is going to look perky compared to me.

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