Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wouldn't They Always Win?

Happily, while I was driving home from work, yesterday (which I was also very happy about, coincidentally), I was reminded of one of the blog post topics I had forgotten on Thursday. Of course, I was busy last night at a concert (which I'll probably end up blogging about tomorrow), but I was able to hold on to that first topic long enough to remember it for today.

I passed a sign for a "Psychic Fair" on the way home.

Nope. Not kidding.

I'm sure it's a very interesting event with serious people doing their psychic things. And I'm all for having my palms read, or my cards read, and I read my horoscope a decent amount. But in my mind's eye (oooohhh... that sounds psychic, right there, doesn't it!?) I imagined this fair to be held at an elementary school as a fundraiser. That's where the problem comes in.

I mean... Come on... What chance would some little kid have of winning the stuffed bear if the person next to him always knew which rubber ducky in the kiddie pool had the "X" under it?

Of course, I didn't see any signs of carnival rides - which I always assume there will be at a fair. I'm kind of wondering if you have to buy a ticket and then have the psychics tell you what a wonderful time you'd be having if only you could see what they were seeing.

Sadly, since the fair only lasted until today, I'll never know what it was like.

But, of course, the organizers already knew that.

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