Sunday, September 25, 2011

Being In Touch

There's something really rather wonderful about the phrase "being in touch."

I was thinking about it earlier today when reading that someone had commented on one of my earlier blog postings. It was the kind of contact that made me think "Oh. Well. Someone *is* reading this, after all." And I thought "So nice of her to be in touch."

And then I just typed that last paragraph, and realized that I was also using the phrasing "making contact" in the same context.

There's just something wonderful about people being in touch and/or making contact. This could be via phone... or email... or message board... or actual physical letter... or - imagine it - actually in person and touching. Although, of course, that's one of the few ways that those phrases *don't* seem to apply.

After all, when you actually see someone in person, you don't say "so nice of you to make contact" or "it's been so nice to touch you." It's only when you're not in the same location as the other party that you actually talk about tactile connections. Which, really, is a bit odd when you think about it.

But, putting that aside, let's try to get back to my original point, which is the great way it feels when someone at a distance does, in fact, make contact.

On a day when life might not be going your way - let's say, perhaps, that you went for a haircut and came out shorn; or that you had massive coupons, but when you went shopping nothing fit - getting that one piece of evidence that someone is out there and interested in what you're doing is pretty cool.

It's like a long-distance hug. Or at least that touch on your arm that lets you know there's someone else in the room.

So... umm... yeah...

Keep in touch.


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