Monday, February 16, 2009

Karma du Jour

I know I've mentioned the topic of Karma before (see my posting from September 21st), but today was a day when it came up again. 

I had been out running errands and was on my way home when there was some traffic and I was on a street that was backed up with cars. There was a minivan trying to cross the street from my side, and so I came to a stop prior to the intersection and let the minivan edge into traffic and cross. It was a simple thing. Easy. Took nothing from me, and didn't even slow me down, since I was still a good block away from the red light at the intersection I was headed for. Honestly, I wasn't even hoping for good karma from it. But...

I decided to pull in for a cheap lunch at Taco Bell (shh... don't tell Christopher, he's not a Taco Bell fan...), and had a nice interaction with the woman behind the counter. When I was leaving, I remembered why I never go to that Taco Bell: the parking lot is nigh impossible to get out of. That same traffic I had been stuck in before had expanded. Now it was filling both lanes heading westbound, and the back-up was at least two or three blocks. I eased up to the edge of the parking lot, and figured I'd be waiting for a while. Out of the blue, a guy in a red mid-sized sedan slowed down and waved me out. I spun the steering wheel and cranked myself into the lane and waved my thanks as I pulled out. 


Now... Remember the first time I wrote about karma? I talked about buying one of the supermarket foodshelf bags last fall for $5, figuring that it was just as easy to do that as it was for me to buy myself lunch at McDonald's. Well, I did that again today, simply because I keep hearing how empty the foodshelf shelves are these days. Then, on the way home, I decided to splurge on a $4 lunch at the above-mentioned Taco Bell with the karmic parking lot. Both of those purchases could probably be considered fairly frivolous and completely out-of-budget for someone who is still job-searching on a daily basis, but one of them made me feel... well... "normal" while the other one made me feel better. 

Karma. It does a body good. 

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