Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spring Springs

I spent about half of my day, today, thinking "I should say that in my next post." And then I drove home after work and thought "No. I should say that in my next post!" Of course, at neither of those times was I able to sit down and actually write my next post.

Much like that dream that haunts you when you wake up, but you can't remember anything beyond a vague impression, by the time I turned on my computer this evening I had no idea what I wanted to say.

So I give you the following observational facts:

The Jasmine plant which we brought in over the winter - and which has been dropping leaves for the past month or so - is currently blooming. Although the leaves are a little thin (we're hoping it perks back up once it goes out into the now-glassed-in breezeway), it has little white star-shaped flowers all over it. It's giving off a faint, sweet, floral smell. It smells of warmer climates and summer and maybe even drinks out on a patio.

Outside, the irises are in full bloom. We've got a bunch of what are called Siberian irises, they're not all that tall, but they bloom incredibly early and are massively prolific with dark purple blooms. I transplanted a section of them out of an overgrown section behind the garage, and they're all over the yard now. They're also standing straight up mounted in an antique ceramic frog in the middle of a shallow Loso bowl on the buffet. (Remember last summer's tale of Loso pottery? It's here.)

In a pan in the basement, which is sitting in a south-facing window ledge, I'm attempting to get marigold seeds to germinate. Hopefully, within a couple of weeks, I'll have plants to transplant so that we'll have yellow and orange blooms in the gardens all summer.

It may only be three small things, but they are making spring an amazing place to be in Minneapolis this year. It may not be the ultimate blog post of my dreams, but this spring stuff isn't so bad, all told.

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