Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fibrous Tuberosity

Sometimes you become proud of yourself for very strange reasons.

I went to the dentist this morning and, when asked if there was anything new, commented on the strange "mushiness" of the area where my upper left wisdom tooth used to be. While where my other three wisdom teeth were the areas have become hard, in that corner of my mouth the area simply seems soft.

I first noticed it a couple of months ago when I bit down on something and realized that it kind of jabbed into my upper jaw, instead of hitting bony jaw. When my sinuses act up, that is one of the areas where the pain comes through a little stronger, too.

I mentioned it at the dentist, today, and was informed that I have a mass of fibrous flesh which has overgrown that area of my mouth (and, apparently, to a much lesser degree in my lower right jaw). And, yes, that overgrowth is called "fibrous tuberosity."

So I left the dental office this morning knowing a great big new term, knowing that I don't need to worry about the mushiness, and also knowing that I didn't have any cavities.

Yes. It was a proud day.

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