Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Living and/or Learning

I am supposed to be working right now. I've sequestered myself in the basement to write 1,500 characters (not words, just characters - including spaces) for the back cover of a book. It's one of the things I truly like to do at my job. But it's for a book that I really didn't like. So even though it's easy money, it's difficult easy money.

Consequently, instead of doing that work, I've been online for a bit just kind of poking around. And I found a couple of fun things, there.

First of all, I've found (well, throughout the day, really) that a lot of people were wearing purple. At least one person said it was because she had read my blog, yesterday. (Hi, Libby!) That made me very happy. But, no, that isn't actually a quote from someone else.

On Miz Tiz's "TiZand AsS" blog (over there in the left-hand column), she quoted Douglas Adams (the guy who wrote the four-book Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy, among other things. The quote was/is: You live and learn. At any rate, you live.
I have to admit that I really like that. It resonates with me, today. And, no, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

So I decided to steal her quote of his quote as my quote on tonight's blog posting.

I think it ties in kind of nicely with "Spirit Day" and the "It Gets Better Project." There's something to be said about living, and learning, and simply living.

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