Monday, January 16, 2012

I Have Dreams, Too.

(With all due apologies to, and respect for, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

I have dreams, too.

I have a dream that, one day, people will be judged not by who they love, but, rather, by the fact that they are simply loved.

I have a dream that, one day, our politicians will vote for things that are morally right and good and true, not simply the things that people with lots of money and power say they should vote for.

I have a dream that, one day, our religious institutions will get back to the root of all that they preach (you know, the whole Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you... and loving all of God's creation equally... and judging not lest they be judged), instead of spouting hatred, bigotry, and venom in God's name.

I have a dream that, one day, I won't be looking at a political pool and praying that the least of the evils is elected, but, rather, praying that the best of the best can take office.

I have a dream that, one day, countries won't be going to war over trivialities and will, instead, spend their billions of war-mongering dollars on helping the poverty-stricken, homeless, orphaned, starving, and ignored.

I have a dream that, one day, as much money will go to research into cures for cancers and AIDS and diseases of all sorts as currently goes toward merchandise which supposedly supports that research.

I have a dream that, one day, teachers will make as much as professional sports stars.

I have a dream that, one day, schools will get as much funding as sports stadiums.

I have a dream that, one day, I will be able to donate my perfectly healthy blood to save other people's lives without being told I am unable simply because of who shares my bed.

I have a dream that, one day, the wealthy will realize that their legacies will be better if they are known as benefactors and philanthropists, instead of misers and oppressors.

And, okay, I also have an occasional dream that one day I win the lottery, become a wildly-popular philanthropist, donate blood on my way to my own wedding, and impose two-term limits on all of Congress so that no one becomes complacent. Oh, and in that dream I'm perpetually young and hot and can eat anything I want. But I think I've gotten off the topic.

Here's to the legacy of great people who can inspire us all to dream big.

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