Saturday, January 14, 2012

Why I Love Our TiVo

(Let me start by saying that most digital TV set-ups can probably do the same kinds of things, but we have TiVo, so that's my point of reference.)

When Christopher and I were talking about getting TiVo, I was a little skeptical about why we would need it. We had a DVD recorder, so we were able to record TV shows without any problem. (Heck, I still have a VCR, too.) And I had no idea why anyone would want the rest of the options.

Well, Christopher - being the tech person in the family - decided that he wanted to move to a TiVo, so we did. At first, I only used it as another VCR. Just another way to record shows to watch them later. Granted, we were suddenly able to record hours and hours and hours of TV, instead of just 4 or 6 at a time, but it was still just the same stuff.

Then I started getting used to pausing live TV. It still kind of weirds me out to do that, but I do it all the time. We do it if we need to answer the phone, or if we need to take dirty dishes into the kitchen, or if the clock decides to chime right in the middle of someone giving a pivotal plot point. And, if we didn't pause in time, we can rewind and watch the scene again.

And, well, that's kind of addictive.

Today there was a "Glee" marathon on TV. Since they were jumping around through the seasons, and I wasn't trying to follow any of the storylines, I was all about the musical numbers. And I watched a few of them multiple times. (Luckily, Christopher wasn't around for most of this.)

Would it have killed me to miss them? No. Would it have been horrible if I'd only seen them once? No. Was it completely enjoyable to get to see them multiple times? Totally. I mean, didn't you notice the headline? Like I said, I kinda love our TiVo.


Mae said...

I love the ability to pause and replay live TV too. It is so addicting! I don't know if I can live without it ever again.

Laura said...

Haha if you had kids you would pause even more. Every single freaking time one of them comes wandering downstairs because they "can't sleep." Horrifyingly sometimes in the middle of American Horror Story! Then the pausing gets frantic!