Wednesday, January 4, 2012

When Did Late Get So Early?

It's currently about twenty past ten on a Wednesday night. Christopher and I got home from dinner with a couple of friends about forty-five minutes ago. And it feels *so* late.

It's not like we did anything radical. We met up at 7 at a restaurant, had one-course dinners (no appetizers, no desserts) and left a little after 9. By the time we left, I was trying not to nod off.

On the way home, I ran to the grocery store to pick up about five things. In - out - home.

I've got a piece of freelance editing I need to work on. I've got some house stuff I need to do. But I don't think I could focus well enough on anything to actually do any of it justice.

(For that matter, I don't know that I'm doing my blog justice, either.)

But it wasn't so long ago that I used to get home from dinners at 10 or 11 and still have a couple of hours of focus left for the night. A bit longer ago than that, I'd go out with friends and not even get to restaurants until 10... or midnight... or 2am...

I don't know the last time I actually saw 2am - or that I wanted to, for that matter. But, then, back when I was dining at 2am I'd never seen my 40s, either. I think I might be okay with that trade-off.

1 comment:

Robin said...

2 a.m. still exists - even if you're over 50 - so it's not age related (at least not in our house)! You just happen to get up earlier "now" than you did "then".