Saturday, July 7, 2012

What a Difference a Day Makes

After multiple days of ridiculous heat in Minneapolis, today was glorious. When the pup woke me up at five this morning to let her out for a constitutional, it was actually almost chilly out.

Not believing my own internal temperature gauges, I came back inside and turned on the TV to verify the outside temperature. It was in the low 60s. Considering that the A/C was keeping the house at no more than 76 degrees, I figured it was time for drastic measures. So I opened windows and doors, set up fans, and stretched out on the chaise in the porch to catch a few more Zs before getting up for the day.

Walking 'round the block at around 8:30 was equally nice. Puffy white clouds. Upper 60s. A light breeze. I actually walked farther than the pup wanted to go, I think, for the first time in ages.

Considering that I'd been cutting the walks short, all week, this was practically blissful.

Of course, considering that Minneapolis is really only supposed to top out in the 80s in the summer - at least according to the historical averages - I guess that means that I ought to be spending the entire summer blissed out.

And, this being Minneapolis, we simply couldn't have that.

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