Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's the Little Things

You know how it is when you're having a not-so-great day/week/whatever and you kind of feel like the world is simply icky?

Or maybe it's just a point when you walk out to your car every day thinking "that car needs to be washed" but you don't have the extra cash to waste on such a frivolity (and you don't have the energy to do it yourself)?

It's times like that when the little things in life can make all the difference.

As Christopher and I were walking out of the restaurant after lunch last Sunday, one of our friends pointed at my car and said "Oh... Look!" I wasn't thrilled that she was pointing out the fingerprints in the dust. Until I looked where she was pointing.

There, in the dust above the back bumper was a perfect little heart. I was a little slow on the uptake, but she was quick enough to ask Christopher "Did you do that?" to which, of course, he slightly bashfully answered yes. Anything else could have been going on in the world, but at that moment nothing else mattered except Christopher and that heart on my car.

Today, because it has been threatening to rain, I drove home as quickly as possible -- cursing every cloud that looked like it might wash off the back of my car. But, since we really do need the rain, I figured maybe I should hope for rain and take a picture, instead.

I'm still hoping it doesn't wash off, though, because it makes me very happy each time I go out to my car.

(Thanks, hon. I needed that.)


Laura said...

Did you say you NEED the rain? We are under flash flood warnings here IN AUGUST. I would gladly send some your way!

Unknown said...

Mmmmm I love this.