Friday, September 25, 2009

Look! Look! Look To The...

Okay. Some of you probably started humming along as you read the headline, and some of you were probably totally confused by it. I don't know if it will help when you know that the next word is "Rainbow."

It's a wonderful song, though, from a show called Finian's Rainbow. It's all about following a dream. Or, at least, about following the fellow who follows the dream.

Anyway... I'm going to be humming that all evening, now. And it really only has a passing relationship to the point of this posting.

As I was leaving work, today, after a not-awful-but-not-grand week at work, I stepped out of the front of the building and looked up to see a brilliant rainbow in the sky. In fact, it was not only so vibrant that all of the colors looked like they were out of a fresh box of Crayolas, but it even had a second rainbow just a little higher in the sky.

What a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the work week!

**If you want to hear the song -- and I highly suggest it -- you can find it, here, on YouTube. The actual song, sung by Fred Astaire and Petula Clark, starts about 3 minutes into this clip.**

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