Sunday, July 17, 2011

Soggy Sunday

I was awakened, yesterday morning, by thunderstorms at about 4:30. I can usually sleep through anything like that, but the lightning was so bright - and the thunder so quick and so loud - that it woke me up.

I did a quick "house check" then headed back to bed and, thankfully, to sleep.

The day, yesterday, started mostly cloudy and there was a palpable foreboding in the air - a definite feeling that we were heading into a massively hot and sticky zone.

Errand running was easy in the morning, but as the day went on, the temperature and the humidity both climbed. By the time we walked out of a friend's house to come home at 9:30 last night, walking outside felt like we were walking into a sauna.

Then came this morning.

I woke up around 6:30 (thanks to the dog), and as I walked out into the house I was suddenly aware that something was wrong. No storms. But also no visible sun.

EVERY window in the house was covered in condensation. Not on the inside, but on the outside. And we don't exactly over-air-condition the house. The interior temperature was something like 76 degrees.

I opened the door to let the dog out (after all, that's why we were up), and it felt like I was opening a steamy blast furnace. I took the opportunity to look out at a couple of neighbor's houses - and was happy to see that their windows were also covered in moisture.

Back inside, I checked out for some details:

6:55am - Temperature: 80 degrees - Dewpoint: 77 degrees - Relative Humidity: 91%.

It's now almost 8:30. The temperature is creeping up through the low 80s, and the sun is starting to "melt" the condensation from the windows. And a whole lot of people are getting out early to walk their dogs before this gets much worse.

I've heard that it's supposed to stay basically like this for the next 5 days. I suspect it's going to be a long week...

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