Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer Headaches

For some reason, it doesn't seem as bad to be sick in the middle of winter. In winter, if you're feeling under the weather it's perfectly acceptable to stay indoors for a week with hot soup and a marathon of Rosalind Russell movies.

In the summer, though, if you tell people you're not feeling well, they kind of tilt their heads and say "ohh... gee... that's too bad..." and then go on about their lives. They still expect you to keep going on about yours, too.

The problem - for me - is that my sinuses go crazy-wonky whenever there's a major change in atmospheric pressure. And, when my sinuses go crazy-wonky, everything from the top of my head to my teeth feel the pain. I get the "behind the eye" pain, the "mid-forehead" pain, the "ohmigod I think I need a root canal" pain (I've actually gone to the dentist thinking I'd broken a tooth, in the past, only to be told the pain was caused entirely by my sinuses).

Today seemed like it would be a good day. I got up, I did some yardwork and walked the dog before the rain started. I did some editing. I watched some TV and had a quick nap. And then the clouds started to roll back in and the right side of my face started to hurt.

The storms that are probably causing this are supposed to sail through fairly quickly and be out of here within about another 18 hours. Which is great, but Christopher and I have plans to go to dinner and a movie with a group of friends. And we need to leave in an hour.

It almost - but not really - makes me wish for winter. Then I could claim that I had a cold and stay in with impunity. But, this being mid-summer, if I stay home I couldn't deal with the guilt.

(The worst thing of all? That's totally my guilt - imposed only by me - due to the fact that it's summer and, as I've pointed out, there's no wimping out because of a headache in summer...)

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