Friday, January 15, 2010

Enough of the Navel

Okay. So I got more comments than usual on yesterday's post.

Yes. I know there was only one comment posted on here. But I had one other comment sent directly to me. Sadly, those two comments were more than I've gotten in one day in quite a while.

While you might think that it would lead me to do more pondering of imponderables, I thought that, maybe, one posting of that nature per week (or so) was probably enough.

It seems only appropriate to shift gears and, instead of navel gazing, take a gander at the world at large.

And it's been a pretty rough week for the world.

There was the massive earthquake in Haiti (there's at least a partial listing of aid agencies accepting donations on the CNN website).

Proposition 8 (banning gay marriage) is making its way through the courts in California (and can be tracked on multiple sites, including at least one live blog).

In case you missed it, in the past week the first gay marriage happened in China -- a country known for being decades behind the rest of the world for civil rights -- took place. Who would have thought that the US would suddenly be behind China in the fight for equal civil rights for gays?

Major airlines raised their luggage fees. Again.

A cold snap hit southern Florida, while up here in Minnesota we're having a January thaw. Buy your orange juice before the price goes up.

Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien have been duking it out for NBC latenight. (Personally, as little as I currently watch them, I'm even less interested now that the animosity is all over the airwaves.)

The Consumer Electronics Show happened in Las Vegas last week. I have no idea what that means. But Christopher does, so I figured I'd mention it.

People have actually reported being depressed with the "lack of possibility in the real world" after having seen the movie "Avatar." No. Really. As in "going to the doctor to be treated for depression" depressed. Having not seen the movie, I guess I can't speak from any level of experience. But... well... I could understand it if it was a movie like "Under the Tuscan Sun" or "Summertime" or "An American in Paris" or -- if I'm in the mood for food -- something like "Chocolat" or "Babette's Feast." But "Avatar"? Really? With everything going on in the world, I just can't imagine being that blue because of a movie filled with blue people.

Wow. Maybe I should go back to navel gazing...

1 comment:

Lani Willis said...

I haven't seen Avatar yet either (the kiddo complicates such things), but i can't imagine it making me bluer than Haiti has. It's been a Weltschmerzig week for sure. I've felt blessed - and not a little guilty- for my first world life. It was embarrassingly easy to make a $10 Red Cross donation by texting from my iPhone. Glad you're blogging. Keep it up!