Sunday, June 13, 2010

2010 Tony Awards

Yes. I'm watching the Tony Awards tonight.

Christopher is upstairs doing... well... I don't know what he's doing. I'm guessing that he's watching TV, studying for his Irish Gaelic class, and/or ironing. I'm in the basement, with the TV turned up just a little too loud.

I know that I have friends in various locations around the country who are watching the same show I'm watching. I know of at least one party that friends are having in NYC. And I found out that someone I know is actually in the audience tonight at the show. I have no idea if anyone I personally know will actually be on the stage - although I don't think so, this year.

Even so, for me, the Tony Awards are so much more personal than any other awards show. I guess, in no small part, this is because I was involved in theater for so many years. In high school and college I was on the stage. As a "grown-up" I've worked in theater box offices. And, as you know, I'm kind of a theater nut who was lucky enough to see a couple of shows on Broadway this past year.

So, watching the opening number and seeing all of the performers on stage - even from halfway across the country - already resulted in a strange swelling of pride. To know that, once upon a time, I was involved in that amazing world.

Forgive me as I let the world go away for 3 hours tonight and watch the show.

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