Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Connection Avoidance

So, remember how I was talking about Connectivity on Monday night? How I was having problems getting online because of lack of connection, but how we connected really well at brunch on Sunday? I'm sure you remember that - or at least you might have scrolled over and looked once I asked. But... anyway... that's not my point, tonight.

My point, tonight, is that sometimes the online world can be just a little TOO connected. This was the case last night, which caused me to stay off of the computer and not post on here. You see, last night was the season finale of "Glee."

And, as you might know (or guess), I've been watching "Glee" all during its first season. It's mostly been really fun, although I fully admit that there have been episodes which focused way too much on the gimmicks and not nearly enough on the stories. And, even reading through the hype, I was pretty sure that the finale would be good.

Here's the rub: I had made plans to go to a movie last night (which I'm sure we'll talk about next Monday), and wasn't going to be home to watch the show. So I taped it. (Yes. Really. I TAPED it on my VCR.) And I planned to watch it after I got home.

But this meant that I couldn't turn on either the TV or the internet prior to watching the show. After all, I know that I have a lot of friends who watch the show, too, and I was afraid that I would come across a spoiler or two. So I came home from the movie, said hello to Christopher, and then headed into the basement where I rewound my tape and settled in.

My personal thought is that it was definitely one of the better episodes of the last few weeks. The songs actually moved the storyline forward, instead of just being stuck in for no apparent reason. There was a "mash-up" including Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" which was probably one of my favorite things of the season.

When I did turn on my computer, I found many comments about "Glee" - and there was conversation about it on TV and on the radio today. As much as I enjoy being connected to so much information in so many ways, I'm really glad I kind of pulled out of all of those connections for a few hours last night.

And, yes, I'm purposely avoiding talking about specifics of "Glee" just in case some of you out there haven't seen it, yet.

However, I feel like I need to say something, just because. So here you go:

(Scroll down for my comment.


I'm even giving you the option of opting out of my spoiler.

How good a guy am I?)

Rosebud is the sled.

(Yeah. That has nothing to do with "Glee." I never said it would.)

1 comment:

Robin said...

What - does Opus find out?