Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday Snippets

My mind hasn't been doing great in full-length stories, lately, so tonight you're getting some one- (or two-) liners, instead:

- If you're a guy who has a slightly-ample backside, wearing skinny jeans is probably not a great idea. Also true, quite frankly, if you're a woman with a slightly-ample backside.

- I work down the hallway from a marketing company whose staff seem to consider themselves to be the hippest of the hipsters as they walk back and forth down the common hallway with their laptops in their very-expensive clothes and haircuts and fashionable (sometimes skinny) jeans. For the record: the combination of "hip," "very-expensive," and "fashionable" do not, often, result in styles that anyone should actually wear.

- I have, as promised earlier this year, thrown out an old pair of tennis shoes.

- I have also decided to keep the new shoes I bought (along with the new underwear you already knew I was keeping). I wore the shoes out of the house for the first time, tonight, even.

- Sometimes it takes leaving the house to make things real.

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