Thursday, April 7, 2011

The WALL-E Factor

I'm sitting in the living room and I've been scrolling through the channels looking for something to watch while stalking my parents' flight from Los Angeles to Minneapolis. And, as luck would have it, I stumbled across "Hello, Dolly!"

I started watching it because when I landed on it, it was the scene which actually includes both the Waiters' Gallop and the theme song. But then they moved on to the next song - "It Only Takes a Moment."

Suddenly, instead of watching "Hello, Dolly!" and enjoying it for the fluff that it is, I was watching it and thinking about "WALL-E."

I know that, when "WALL-E" was made, they used the clips from "Hello, Dolly!" (wow - why did I have to choose two movies with so much need for capitals and punctuation in their titles?), to kind of refer to a simpler time. And to show human emotions in the smallest of moments (like holding hands).

So, here I am tonight, sitting and watching "Hello, Dolly!" and now - instead of just watching this movie - I find myself thinking about WALL-E and EVE, and the unspoken, all-too-human, love that those two animated characters showed.

There's something wonderfully full-circle in that. I bet Thornton Wilder would approve.

1 comment:

beket said...

I've never been a fan of Hello Dolly. I always thought it was boring. Of course, I probably haven't seen it since I was 8. Gigi has always been my favorite musical, even when I was 8. And now as an adult, I find it quite a shocking tale.:-)