Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Weary Wednesday

I had every intention of writing a good post tonight.

I was going to talk about Christopher being off to New York for a week.

I was going to mention how the pup keeps looking at me as if she's trying to tell me that I don't know what I'm doing and she'd prefer to have Christopher back.

And I was going to be witty and exciting and possibly even pithy.

But then the speaker in the ear-area of my pay-as-you-go cellphone started to crap out a few days ago, and yesterday actually had problems multiple times. So after coming home and taking the pup for a walk after work tonight I headed out to Radio Shack to see about a new phone.

Somewhere about 20 minutes into the phonecall it took to transfer over my phone number and all of my already-paid-for minutes, it all suddenly started to take hold. And then, just as my old phone flashed up saying that the minutes were gone, the person helping me out said "Okay, now this could take up to 72 hours for the new phone to be active."

So I spent some time tonight trying to figure out how the ringer will sound, how to add phone numbers to the new phone, and - because it's driving me crazy at the moment - how to set the time and date. And I meant to send out a few emails letting people who call me on that cellphone (a very very very small group) that it might be a few days before I can actually answer it.

But now I'm pooped, and I'm off to bed. Hopefully a good sleep will mean a good posting tomorrow.

And, also hopefully, the new phone will be newly active by then, too.

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