Monday, May 9, 2011

Movie Monday - Prom

Did you even know there is a movie out right now called "Prom"?

I knew about it because the trailer showed up at something else I was watching on my weekly movie night, and we looked at each other and said "Wanna go to 'prom' with me?" So we did.

And, you know, it was pretty much what we expected it to be: another movie about high school students from different sides of the tracks being forced to play nice and ending up going to prom together. (No. That's not a spoiler. And, if it is, then you really need to get out more.)

The surprises came, though, from all of the other characters in the movie. The girl who decides to fall for the nerd. The guy who finally gets to dance. The nerd's best friend (and his mom), who understand. They are the ones who make the movie worth sitting through. Which, I guess, is kind of the same as high school. It's seldom the "leading characters" who make high school a good place to be. It's the average quirky folks who sit on the sidelines.

Overall rating: B. It had good intentions and good ideas. We didn't expect much from it and we got what we expected. But it had more potential than that.

Sidenote: You know you're getting old when, as the cast is scrolling on the screen before the movie, the only names you recognize are the ones of the actors playing parents and teachers. Welcome to my world.

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