Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kermit, it ain't

The question was raised a bit ago, what a "frog" is in reference to flowers and flower arranging. And, although the short answer would simply be that it's something used to make sure that flowers stay where you put them in a vase, I thought a photographic essay might be more interesting.

So here you go...

Some frogs are double-layer discs with holes in them. Ours is a very retro one that my mom got for Christopher. It has a ceramic base, and a bunch of spikes that come out of it which you mount the flowers in.

Oh... Sorry... I promised photos, didn't I?

The frog, itself

which gets put into a flat bowl/vase

and once it's centered and the flowers are ready

you put the firm-stemmed flowers from your garden into it

and adjust them a bit,

and they turn out like this. (Especially if they are put into a Loso bowl.)

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