Thursday, August 4, 2011

Life in HD

A few months ago, Christopher and I upgraded our main "normal" TV to a flat-panel HD one. (And, no, I can't give you more technical details than that.)

I have to admit that I've come to enjoy it. On some levels.

On the one hand, it's bigger and so you can watch wide-screen movies and TV shows without having it all either cropped or letterboxed to the point where what you're watching is almost too small to see. And the HD-ability is pretty cool. Seeing things like the blades of grass in a TV commercial (or being able to tell that the guy is actually standing on a green mat) is kind of cool.

On the other hand, it's bigger so you can see everything better. And the HD quality means that you see EVERYthing. And, well, there are some things that you really don't need to see all of. Like when you accidentally stop on a surgery channel when you were looking for FoodTV. Or when you're watching a movie and keep getting distracted because you can tell that the star is standing on a green mat, instead of actual grass.

And, you know, sometimes life is like that, too.

Sometimes you want to see every detail and know exactly what you're dealing with at all times - to be able to count every blade of grass and know that some are less-green than others.

Other times, though - not all the time, but occasionally for a break - it's nice to just see the green mat and be happy.

Now if only I could figure out a way to see the happy, albeit fake, green mat and color in my own blades of grass...

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