Monday, December 29, 2008

A Milestone, Hurrah!

It has come to my attention that I have now passed the 100-posting point. In fact, the post you're currently reading is post number 102 which I have added to this blog. How cool is that?

Thanks to all of my "regular" readers, to any of you who just drop by from time-to-time, and--especially--to those who not only read these posts, but also take the time to let me know that you do. 

I only wish I were feeling better and could appropriately celebrate this century mark. Maybe post a bunch of pictures of the  Minnesota Zoo's sea otters from last week (they're coming, I promise!). Or a recipe or two from the Holiday baking I've done. Or at least find something intriguingly new to say about John Barrowman. Instead, I'm sitting here typing while watching a kaleidoscope of television programs as I reach the end of my energy for the day. 

Yes, Christopher and I continue to battle our "common" colds. Although, the further we go along, the more I realize how much of a misnomer that is. After all, the two of us have almost entirely different symptoms, yet if we walked into a doctor's office we'd both be told we simply have colds. My one foray outside the house today was for orange juice, apple cider (good either cold or hot) and bread. So we're stocked up on Vitamin C and cough drops and can make either sandwiches or toast. 

I'm really hoping that New Year's Eve holds more than OJ and toast, but for the current milepost, I'm going to raise a glass of the orange stuff, crunch a buttered crust, hum a chorus or two of "Auld Lang Syne" and head for bed. 

See you soon in posting 103!

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