Saturday, December 27, 2008

You "Otter" Try It

Having the day off, Christopher and I went to the Minnesota Zoo yesterday (avoiding the zoo-like shopping, for the most part), and watched the Sea Otters frolic in the 30-degree weather. It was great. One of those moments of zen that you really really really hope for this time of year, but seldom get to experience. 

We stood in front of the enclosure and watched the otters zoom through the water, leaving trails of bubbles. We watched one of them curl up in a ball (or... well... a donut shape), and spin vertically in the water. And--our favorite--we watched one go back and forth right up against the glass, on his back and kind of waving out at us. 

For a while we weren't cold, we weren't stressed out by work or family, and we didn't care that we've both eaten too many cookies in the past few weeks. Instead, we just watched them. And it made us happy. 

So you know what we did?

We waved back. 

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