Monday, January 26, 2009

Bears, Brides and Smart People, Oh My!

That's right, folks, it's Movie Monday! And you're in luck, because I just came home from an actual movie in a movie theater. Plus, with the recent cold weather, I've seen a couple of Netflix, as well, so here we go...

1) The Golden Compass. I saw this one via Netflix, and I think it may have been much more interesting in the movie theater. I really didn't get why the movie was protested against for being anti-God. I was looking for it in the movie, and never saw anything like that (apparently the book is more specific about it...?). Unfortunately, the movie opens up all of these doors along the way, but doesn't go through any of them. In fact, about 10 minutes before the movie ends the main character lists off all of the things they need to do, but they don't do any of them because, well, the movie ends. Very unsatisfying. Check it out for its amazing blend of live action and CGI? Sure. Expect it to fill you up in the cold winter? Definitely not. Overall: C-.

2) Bride Wars. This is the one I saw tonight. Fun enough movie with Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson as inseparable friends who, due to a scheduling mishap, end up with their dream weddings scheduled to be on the same day at the same time. Sadly, a lot of the funniest stuff is in the previews, but there was plenty of other stuff to keep the movie going. And this time of year a happy fluffy ending is kind of nice. Go to it to watch incredibly smart pretty women do great slapstick and comedy? Yes. Pay full price and expect it to fill a void in your life? Oh, I really hope not. Overall: B.

3) Smart People. You saw the promos for this before it came out--they showed Sarah Jessica Parker (from Square Pegs and Sex In the City) being aggressively served a turkey dinner by Ellen Page (from Juno) while Dennis Quaid and Thomas Hayden Church look on. Sadly, that promo is only glancingly like the rest of the movie. The rest of the movie is actually really good. It is, in fact, a smart movie. It talks about second chances and taking any chances at all. I wouldn't say it's a happy movie, but it's a movie with a good heart that you want to know more about. Unlike Golden Compass, where it ended with too many blatantly loose ends, or Bride Wars with the expected outcome, Smart People leaves you with just enough that you want more. I saw it almost 10 days ago, and I think I remember more about it than I do about Bride Wars. Watch it on a date night? Only if you both like painfully uncomfortable dates. Watch it, regardless? Definitely. Overall: A-. 

Luckily, I seldom go to movies on Sundays. Why is that lucky? Because I just found out that the next season of The Amazing Race begins on Sunday February 15th. Good thing I've got another 6 nights each week to do my homework for Movie Mondays!

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