Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Finding the Lost

There are TV shows which I watch almost religiously. Shows which I record if I'm not going to be around, or which I make specific plans to watch online after the fact. 

And then there are shows which I watch if I remember that they're on, but I seem to always forget about until they're halfway through. These are the "lost" shows in my schedule. 

Tonight's television watching has been filled with the joyful serendipity of finding some of this latter type. 

First of all, I remembered to watch "Leverage" on TNT, but not until I had already missed the first 10 minutes. That's not a horrible thing, since the show is character-driven and fun enough to kind of just "drop into" as it goes along. But it IS a "heist" show, so missing the opening does kind of make it hard to figure out what the end goal might be. Hopefully I'll remember to watch it in the future, because I've liked what I've seen (even if it has only been the final 45 minutes or so of 3 different episodes).

I've also begun watching one of MSNBC's "talking head" shows. I have always been highly opposed to shows with irate hosts yelling at the guests they're supposed to be interviewing, and I've detested the way they seem to be going downhill from show to show. But I stumbled across "The Rachel Maddow Show" a few weeks ago, and I loved it. She's funny--but not mean--and she's so danged smart that you find yourself having to pay attention to keep up. Her commentaries don't pound messages home, they simply float them out for you to catch. She doesn't call people names, she instead flashes a sarcastic smile and bares her opinions without a single word. Okay... She obviously has strong political opinions, but she strikes me as the type of person who would rather discuss them with you than argue. 

I really do need to try to remember to watch some of my "lost" shows more often. I frequently feel smarter after I do. (Kinda like Indiana Jones after a dig... Only not so dusty...)

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