Monday, November 16, 2009

Mediocre Monday

I got up this morning with the hope of getting to work a little extra early so that I could try to dive into what I was sure would be a packed Inbox (since I wasn't in on Friday). But by the time I got in and got settled I was only about 5 minutes early -- not nearly early enough to do any good.

Lunch was leftovers from yesterday's lunch, and although they were quite tasty, yesterday (at Fitger's Brewery in Duluth), they had lost a little more of their luster than I had hoped.

I worked through my email (and voicemail) with only the shortest of breaks, but ended the day with more emails than I usually have when I start the day. I don't even want to know what I'll be walking in to find tomorrow.

The movie theater still offers a "less expensive" combo at the concession stand, but it was a $5 pop and popcorn up until last month. Suddenly it has jumped up to an $8 combo, but the size hasn't changed at all.

And then there was tonight's movie. (Yes. I actually went to a movie on Movie Monday, for once.) Kelly and I went to see "2012" -- the latest End o' the World flick. It had some cool special effects, and some really cheesey ones. There were some interesting points raised, and some really boring ones. We were sad to see a few characters bite the big one, and kind of happy to see others go. (I'd give it a C for being totally down the middle...)

Overall, though, it was probably the perfect capper for a mediocre Monday.

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