Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ah, To Be Young Again... (?)

Have you ever had anyone ask you: "If you had the chance, would you go back to High School?" It's usually followed up by "What if you still knew everything you know now?" 

Whenever I'm asked that kind of thing I always have to add in a few more caveats. I always have to add in things like "Could I look different?" or "Would I have to go back to my own high school and my own class, or could this be any high school?"

I spent a couple of hours pondering that topic tonight, and I've decided that -- at least for now -- I would not do it. High school is -- for most people -- an incredibly difficult time. I know that there are people for whom it's a great time, and I'm very happy for them. But I know a lot more people who simply survived those years and couldn't wait to get on with their lives. 

Now, don't get me wrong. I do honestly remember some really good times in high school. And I'm very happy to say that I've reconnected with a few people from that period of my life and we've begun to develop new friendships. But... well... My life would never be a "High School Musical" or something out of "Fame" or -- to lead us to tonight's actual topic -- that of Matthew Perry's/Zac Efron's character in "17 Again."

If you haven't seen the trailers, here's the basic idea: Matthew Perry plays an almost-divorced father of two, who loses his job and wishes he could go back to the night when he chose to be a husband and father, instead of being a basketball star. Unfortunately, when his wish is granted, he doesn't go back in time but, instead, simply becomes a 17- year-old Zac Efron. He develops a new persona and starts attending school with his own kids, using his best friend as his (very well-moneyed) "dad" and having to deal with all sorts of emotions surrounding his almost-ex-wife. 

I went into the movie with pretty close to no expectations. I didn't expect it to be even remotely pithy or emotional. I didn't expect it to have fully rounded characters. And I definitely didn't expect that his dorky best friend would become *gasp* interesting at any point. 

Yet, somehow, as the movie went on, we got to see Zac Efron channel Matthew Perry as he gave a 37-year-old twist to high school platitudes. We got to feel the angst, but also the joy of the everyday. And, yes, we got to see the nerd get some level of revenge. 

Do I think "17 Again" will win any major awards? No. In fact, even though Efron shows up shirtless for a scene or two, there weren't even any screaming teen girls in the theater. Which means it may not even make it to the Teen Choice awards. But did I enjoy the trip? Yes. I really did.

Overall rating: A. It doesn't try to be anything that it's not. And, in so doing, it seems to have become a lot more. 

Oh. And in case you're wondering... My actual answer to the questions which started this post was: "Okay. I guess I'd go back if I could know what I know now AND I could look like Zac Efron. But, barring that, no way." 


Laura said...

I am firmly convinced that the fact that I went to an all girls school is responsible for the fact that I enjoyed high school plenty. But it certainly was not the best time of my life or anything--I would never want to do it again.

I've never even heard of this movie! Your movie reviews make me realize just how out of it I am, cinematically speaking.

It has been pouring rain all day. Now I am worried the grass seed is all going to wash away. :( I guess be careful what you wish for...

Robert said...

Laura - How could you have missed it? Zac Efron was everywhere for a few weeks!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for your grass seed!
