Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lost In Google

This morning, while on my way to a 7 o'clock meeting (yes. in the morning), I made the mistake of attempting to follow some Google directions without printing out the map. The directions seemed simple enough, after all, only a few turns between here and there, with a total estimated time of about 25 minutes.

But then I came to the point where I had the options of either Old Highway 12 or New Highway 12. Without the map, I was left to simply guess at which one I needed. As I'm sure you've surmised by now, I chose the wrong one. Of course, I didn't figure that out for about 5 miles.

Luckily, New Highway 12 crosses back over Old Highway 12 once more, and I came to that crossing just about 10 seconds before I decided to turn around. Doubling back on Old Highway 12, I eventually came to the road I needed and made my turn, only to find that the next street I needed was... well... above me. 

Yep. The street which I was supposed to simply merge onto has, somewhere along the way, become part of an overpass. This one obviously would not even have been helped by the map, since the directions were completely wrong. 

Long story short (at least for me), I once again doubled back and this time found the correct road -- in spite of -- if not thanks to the nice cartographers at Google. And, yes, I got to my meeting, even though I was about 10 minutes late. 

Later this afternoon I had a conversation with someone who said she really hates relying on technology and much prefers face-to-face and hands-on transactions. Considering how my day started, I couldn't have agreed more.

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