Monday, August 3, 2009

Some Days...

This afternoon I had a whole list of things I wanted to blog about tonight. But I was at work and couldn't do it.

Then I was on my way home from work and thinking about what I should write about and still had a few ideas but no way to write them down.

This evening I went out to Trivia Hell with a friend of ours (Christopher stayed at work until 8:30, so he missed Trivia) and, by the time we got done, I was completely without blog ideas.

So I give you the following:

Our pepper plants are big and bushy and actually producing chili peppers (which haven't gotten red, yet, so they're kind of hard to see). The marigolds are growing well and popping open new blooms just as fast as the old ones fade. I have finally got California poppies growing and blooming. And the willow tree is actually not looking too bad.

Some days when I look outside, I'm actually proud of how the yard looks.

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