Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wrap-up Continues...

I fully realize that a "wrap-up," in a perfect world, would do exactly what it says it will: wrap-up the points at hand.

Well, this week is proving to me that wrap-ups don't always work that way. So, with that in mind, I give you the latest wrap-up on a few topics:

- The across-the-street neighbor's Garage Sale: The stuff is still out on the boulevard. Since today was trash day, he really could have put it near his dumpster for pick-up by the "large trash" folks. But, no. He simply left it all on the curbs. And -- for extra added fun for us -- apparently someone has found it to be fun to roll the office chair around. This morning, it was on the sidewalk in front of our house. So not amusing. (Yes, I put it back on his yard.)

- My job situation: As of tomorrow, I will be employed full-time at work -- working 40 hours per week, and even getting benefits. I have no idea what I'll be doing (aside from what I currently do during the 15 hours per week that I'm there), and I have no idea what the promised benefits entail (although I believe they include medical and parking). But I will be making a little bit more per hour which, when stretched across the extra 25 hours, will make a discernable difference.

Oh. And I feel I should share this, just because... Tonight I'm going to be going to the Rod Stewart concert at the Target Center in Minneapolis. My boss is taking all of us to the show, and even got a suite for us all to hang out in. It's been a while since I've gone to a concert. It's been almost that long since I actually chose to go out socially with people I worked with. (Not sure this is a choice... It was kind of an "optional, but mandatory" event.) I'm sure I'll have stories to tell after the fact.

Finally, since I've gone on and on about my job situation and you've all been kind enough to listen, I feel that I should explain why I didn't come home last night and jump up and down and blog all about it in exclamation points. (I mean, aside from the fact that it was Movie Monday and I wanted to talk about Julie & Julia.)

You see, part-way through this latest job discussion meeting thing -- after being told that everything we had discussed 2 weeks ago no longer really applied -- my boss told me what my new salary would be. I already knew it was going to be crap, so I was ready for it. But he then went on to reiterate that "since it's a buyer's market right now, [he] really can't see paying someone like [me] any more than that. After all, there's probably someone available tomorrow who would take the job for even less." Wow. Nothing like being told "yes, we think you're doing great and want you to come on-board" and "you know, you're totally expendable" all in one breath. The good news? I like having more money and stability. The better news? It will give me money and stability when I decide to relaunch my jobsearch with more vigor than ever. (I really can't wait to say to him "I'd love to stay, but I'm actually going to be paid a living wage, and I'm sure you'll find someone new tomorrow...")

And, as with all of the above... I'm sure that this wrap-up isn't anything final. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Madam Director said...

I am so glad you see the glass as 1/2 full....until everything smoothes out, ENJOY Rod Stewart. Really? A suite and Rod Stewart? That, is pretty cool. Make lemonade! (Or even better, make OJ, and have everyone wonder how the hell you made that out of lemons!) xxxooo